Identity and menu for smoothie bar Bia

19 September 2016

Bia is a bar with fruit cocktails, located in Lagos, Nigeria. They sell fresh juices, smoothies and frozen yogurts.
We designed an identity and visuals for menu-boards.

All the cocktails are made from fresh berries and fruits and that's why we made such a lively lettering and juicy compositions which became a part of a new brand's image.

To avoid using stock images and provide social media content and POS materials a photoshoot was held in Lagos.

Рекламная съемка для BIA от Feel Factory

Визуалы для Биа от Feel Factory

In product visuals we showed a composition of each cocktail — it helps to make a choice based on favourite ingredients. The cocktails were made and photographed in Novosibirsk with the use of the technical card provided by the client.

Айдентика для BIA дизайн Feel Factory

Project team

Art Directors: Ilya Gureev, Egor Guliyev
Design: Ilya Gureev, Danil Kartashev, Pasha Palenin, Sergey Egorov, Alina Stebletsova, Nikita Raizvih
Modelling and rendering: Ilya Gureev, Danil Kartashev
Photographer: Pasha Marin
Project Manager: Alina Stebletsova

Bodriy Den (A Peppy Day)
Delivery RibaRis
The pride is in our nature